User's Manual Part 2

8065751025 2.31
Vision System
Menu Bar: Options - MAINTENANCE
Maintenance options selectable from the Options popup (see Figure 2-9) include Test
Instrument and Clean Cassette.
Test Instrument - This button is reserved for additional functionality.
Clean Cassette - The Clean Cassette feature allows the operator to pump the
aspirated fluids from the cassette into the drainbag without having to go through to
End Case. Pressing the Clean Cassette button causes the process begin without further
user interaction. Once the cleaning process has begun, a popup appears providing
feedback on the progress of the cleaning.
Note: This popup also comes up automatically when the user transitions from
the Surgery screen area to End Case.
Menu Bar: Options - EXTRAS
Extras options selectable from the Options popup (see Figure 2-9) include Auto Gas
Fill and Video Recorder.
Auto Gas Fill - The Auto Gas Fill popup shown in
Figure 2-20 steps the operator through the process of
filling syringes with the specified gas (either C3F8 or
SF6). In Surgery Mode, the operator can optionally
use the Auto Gas Fill button within the surgery header
to launch this popup. Either technique will launch
the same popup with the same functionality and
Be sure to connect gas bottles to the proper connectors. Bottle valves, tubing,
and connectors are color coded as follows: C3F8 = Red, SF6 = Blue.
Make Canister Selection: C3F8/SF6 - Connect gas bottle(s) to system through the
mechanical regulator valve located at the back of the console.
Press Start To Begin Filling - Press the “Start” button to start filling the syringe
with the selected gas type. The button is initially disabled and is only enabled
during the time period between a gas selection and the commencement of a fill
Purge Cycles Requested: (XX) - The number of purge cycles can be set by the
user ranging from 0 to 5 cycles. The purge cycle is designed to remove any
impurities within the system prior to initial use. Press the Stop button to stop
filling the syringe in the middle of a fill cycle. The button is initially disabled and
is only enabled during a fill operation. The status bar graphically illustrates the
progress of the fill operation.
Figure 2-20
Auto Gas Fill Popup