User's Manual Part 3

8065751025 2.51
Vision System
Detailed Setup: Handpiece
The Handpiece setup panel shown in Figure 2-39 displays the steps required to
properly connect the various handpieces to the system.
Select Handpiece - Provides a selection of handpieces and, when a handpiece is
selected, shows where to connect the handpiece. When the system detects that
the operator has plugged in the handpiece, the handpiece type is automatically
selected and the “connected” icon appears next to the selection list.
Select Tip - When a handpiece is selected, the Select Tip button appears and
pressing the button opens a popup that will show a variety of tips that can be
selected. Once selected, the tip will appear under the selected handpiece.
Connect Handpiece - This section shows an illustration of the connector panel and
highlights the connections for the selected handpiece.
Figure 2-39 The Detailed Handpiece Setup Panel