User`s manual

Alcorn McBride Digital Video Machine HD User’s Manual Rev 1.0
Indicator LEDs
The Digital Video Machine HD has 3 LEDs that are used to indicate the status of
various features of the product. Two of these LEDs are located on the front panel to
the left of the Compact Flash socket. The bottom one is the Status LED and the top
one is the Lock LED. The third LED, the Sync LED, is located on the rear panel of
the DVMHD, and is right next to the Sync input. As you can probably guess, it
indicates when a supported video sync source is being detected by the DVMHD’s
video sync input. Below you will find a detailed description of each LED and their
Status LED
LED Status Meaning(s)
Steady green Playing
Steady orange Searched, Paused, Stilled, Formatting Media, Updating
Steady red Audio Muted
Flashing red Fault (i.e. bad command, hardware problem, etc.)
Flashing green Power-on initialization, Search in progress
Single pulse of green Flash card inserted and detected
Single pulse of red Flash card removed
Off Idle (Stopped)
Lock LED
LED Status Meaning(s)
Off Not receiving GPS input from GPS antenna
Pulse red Received message from GPS antenna, but the antenna
has not locked on to any GPS satellites.
Pulse green Received coordinates from GPS antenna
Sync LED
LED Status Meaning(s)
Off No video sync detected on sync input
On Locked to external video sync.