User`s manual

Alcorn McBride Digital Video Machine HD User’s Manual Rev 1.0
Loop File
Description: This command is the same as the Play File command in every way
except that the searched video or playlist file will continue to loop back
to the beginning of the file whenever the end is reached.
Command bytes: nnnnnLP or “<filename>”LP
Parameters: nnnnn is the ASCII file number between 0-99999.
<filename> is an ASCII file name surrounded by quotation marks.
Message Response: R
Examples: Loop file 215: 215LP
Loop file 4: 4LP or “vid00004.mpg”LP
Loop file alcorn.mpg: “alcorn.mpg”LP
Play Next
Description: This command causes the specified video file to be "queued" for
playback at the completion of the current activity. If a video is currently
playing, the queued transition to the specified file will be seamless. If a
file is currently looping, the seamless transition will occur at the next
loop point. Playback stops when the end of this video file is reached.
Command bytes: nnnnnPN or “<filename>”PN
Parameters: nnnnn is the ASCII file number between 0-99999.
<filename> is an ASCII file name surrounded by quotation marks.
Message Response: R
Example: Play File 1: 1PL
Play File 2 when File 1 is complete: 2PN
Loop Next
Description: This command works exactly like the Play Next command except that
the specified file loops indefinitely.
Command bytes: nnnnnLN or “<filename>”LN
Parameters: nnnnn is the ASCII file number between 0-99999.
<filename> is an ASCII file name surrounded by quotation marks.
Message Response: R
Example: Play File 1: 1PL
Loop File 2 when File 1 is complete: 2LN