User`s manual

Alcorn McBride Digital Video Machine HD User’s Manual Rev 1.0
Description: This command causes the DVMHD to stop playback at the current position and
display a still frame on-screen. Playback will resume from this position on the next
Play command. Because the video image is held in a digital buffer, the still frame will
be rock solid, and may be held indefinitely without media wear.
Command bytes: ST
Message Response: R
Comments: If a Search File or Play File command is issued while the DVMHD is stilled, it will no
longer be possible to resume playback from the stilled point.
Description: This command functions exactly like the Still command except that it causes the
video output to display black. When a Play command is received, playback will
resume and the video output will be restored.
Command bytes: PA
Message Response: R
Comments: If a Search File or Play File command is issued while in Pause mode, it will no longer
be possible to resume playback from the paused position.
Description: This command causes the DVMHD to stop video playback. The last frame displayed
will remain on screen. If a playlist is in progress, this command will cause the playlist
to abort.
Command bytes: RJ
Message Response: R
Comments: Once a Stop command has been issued, the only way to start video playback again is
to issue a Search File, Play File, or Loop File command.
Audio Mute
Description: This command can be used to mute and unmute the audio.
Command bytes: nAD
Parameters: n is 0 (Mute) or 1 (Unmute).
Message Response: R
Comments: Muting the audio will cause the front-panel status LED to turn red.
Examples: Mute Audio: 0AD