User`s manual

Alcorn McBride Digital Video Machine HD User’s Manual Rev 1.0
Miscellaneous Commands
Description Command Bytes Response Comments
Format Media FO R (upon completion) All data on media will be
Send Serial String <string>SS R Sends string out serial port.
See detailed command for
information on how to build
the string.
Set Device ID nID R n = Device ID (0-126)
Get Device ID ID n n = Device ID (0-126)
Get Firmware Version ?V DVMHD-8400 Vx.xx x.xx = Firmware Version
Set Relay Output nnRL R nn = 1P (turns on Play relay)
nn = 0P (turns off Play relay)
nn = XP (auto Play relay)
nn = 1F (turns on Fault relay)
nn = 0F (turns off Fault relay)
nn = XF (auto Fault relay)
Software Reset XX -- Same as power-on reset.
Command Error Codes
If an error occurs, any R response will be replaced by a message in the form of Enn (where nn represents the
error code). These error codes are listed in the following table.
Error Code Description What to Do:
E01 Hardware Error System experienced an error when applying the specified setting
or attempting the specified action.
E04 Feature Not Available Have you entered the correct command? Make sure your
DVMHD’s firmware is up to date, and double-check that you have
entered the command correctly.
E06 Invalid Argument The parameters of the command are not formatted correctly.
Double-check the syntax of the command and make sure you
have entered everything exactly as this documentation indicates.
E12 Search Error The DVMHD is unable to find the specified file, or is unable to
play the specified file due to an incompatibility issue. Make sure
you have named and encoded the video file according to the
specifications covered in the Media Files section of this manual.