User`s guide

Creating/Editing Your Own Product File via XML Page 201
Product Section
The beginning of the product section is for information and WinScript display only. This includes
Make, Model, Author, Description and Version.
Hardware Section
This section defines information about the actual product’s available communication ports and
Here’s a brief description of what each field here is used for
"hardware" section’s "type": this is used to indicate a special type such as FlexIO or Show
"port" sections’s "type" : type ethernet or serial. Delete or add additional ‘ports’ sections to
match your hardware.
Protocol Section
Products can have multiple protocol types. For example, our DVM2 accepts both a Sony Protocol
and a Pioneer Protocol. Some products have both an ASCII protocol and a Hexidecimal protocol.
You can choose to implement one or more portocols by making a "protocol" section and giving it
an appropriate name.
After picking a name, define which ports use that protocol and give details about that port: