
1.2F Physical Layout
The Performance Pad includes seven main types of controls, along with a group of
connectors (located on the back panel). The control groups (see diagram) are:
Pads. Striking each pad triggers a voice.
Function buttons. These six buttons select various functions, some of which include
multiple "pages" of options.
Tempo/Page buttons. These alter the tempo and also select different "pages" present
in the Drum Set, Record Setup, MIDI Setup, and Util functions.
Pattern select buttons. These choose between the A, B, and Fill variations for a
Mode buttons. These choose between Pattern and Song modes, Perform (playback)
and Compose (record) modes, and the Preset and User patterns.
"Tape recorder" buttons. These control playback and stop, and work similarly to a
tape recorder.
Display and data entry buttons. The display informs you of the instrument's status,
and also prompts you for data from time to time. A detailed description of the display
follows shortly. The data entry buttons include number entry buttons (0-9) and up
arrow (increment, or INC) and down arrow (decrement, or DEC). The latter increase or
decrease parameter values on step at a time.
Volume knob (on back of Performance Pad). This knob regulates the volume of the
entire unit.