
1.2G Display Layout
The LCD is divided into several "windows." Each window contains information that
helps you monitor the Performance Pad's status, and/or indicates what type of data
should be entered.
Name, "dialog" box, real time Song/Pattern readout, beat counter. This is the most
commonly-used area of the display. It shows Pattern and Song names, the beat
counter if a Pattern or Song is playing, and the Pattern (including A/B/Fill/Preset or
User designators) that is currently playing in Song mode. When acting as a "dialog
box," it lists parameters and the value to be edited (e.g., MIDI channel and the channel
Pattern/Song readout (also Drum Set edit and drum pad readout). This shows the
selected Song or Pattern number; with Patterns, the A/B/Fill/Preset or User
designators are also shown. If you have edited a Drum Set to which a particular
Pattern was assigned, the display also shows DRUMSET EDITED. In operations that
require selecting a drum pad, this window displays the drum pad number.
Press PLAY. For some operations, it is necessary to press the PLAY button to
confirm a particular operation, such as copy or erase. This portion of the display will
say PRESS PLAY if it is necessary to press PLAY to complete an operation.
Page number and tempo display. When stopped or running, this shows the current
tempo and includes a visual metronome block that flashes on the beat. For functions
that have multiple "pages" of parameters (Drum Set, Record Setup, MIDI Setup, and
Util), this portion of the display shows the currently selected page number.
Compose/Perform. This indicates whether the Performance Pad is in Compose or
Perform mode.
Click. In Compose mode, shows the current click rhythm in standard music notation
(or OFF if click is off).
Quantize. In Compose mode, shows the current quantization rhythm in standard
music notation (or OFF if quantization is off).
Selected function. This shows which function is currently selected: Drum Set, Record
Setup, MIDI Setup, Util, or Step Edit.
Swing. In Compose mode, shows the current swing rhythm, expressed as a
percentage (or OFF if swing is off).
Play/Record. If the Performance Pad is playing and in Compose mode, this will say
RECORDING. If the Performance Pad is playing and in Perform mode, this will say
Name, "Dialog" box, Real
time Song/Pattern readout,
beat counter
Selected Function
Page number
and Tempo
Press Play
readout (also
drum set edit)