User's Guide

SSH SettingsSecure Shell. Enable your TUBE-2HQPunit to access secure shell
(SSH) based network device. Default setting is Disabled.
The Operation Mode content four modes: AP Bridge, AP Router, Client Router and
Client Bridge.
◆AP BridgeThe wired Ethernet and wireless are bridged together. Once the
mode is selected, all WAN related functions will be disabled.
◆AP RouterThe Ethernet port will convert into WAN port requiring you to
configure your CPE via WLAN.
◆Client RouterTheTUBE-2HQPwill behave just the same as the client mode for
wireless function. However, router functions are added between the wireless WAN
side and the Ethernet LAN side. Therefore, the WSIP subscriber can share the WISP
connection without the extra router.
◆Client Bridge—TheTUBE-2HQPwill behave just the sameas Wireless
adapter.With Client Bridges, the WLAN and the LAN are on the same subnet.
Consequently, NAT is no longer used and services that are running on the original
MAC/IP/Port filtering restricts connection parameters to limit the risk of intrusion