User's Manual

Album – View recorded video and screenshots saved to
your device while viewing live video.
About Us – Information about the AW CAMERA app and
contact information.
Log Out – Log out of the AW CAMERA app.
The AW1 is designed for indoor use. It is not waterproof
or water resistant. Working temperature range is: -10°-55°C
The AW1 is designed for user confidentiality, but we can
not completely guarantee the threat of the camera being
compromised, due to various setup circumstances. We
highly advise that you only use the camera on a trusted,
password protected Wi-Fi network. This camera is
recommended for general purpose monitoring only. The
user acknowledges the risk of using the device otherwise.
●Check to make sure the camera is in Syncing Mode (Slow
Blue Blinking LED Indicator)
●Make sure the environment around the camera is quiet
when transmitting the “Sound Wave” and the volume on
your device is turned up.
●Make sure the Wi-Fi network is 2.4GHz – The AW1
currently does not support 5GHz network.
●Check to make sure the Wi-Fi network name and
password are correct.
1) Can’t connect the camera to the network.