
ErrorCode ErrorString
2262 This value must be a number.
2263 The number is too large.
2264 Microsoft Access didn’t recognize the unit of measurement. Type a
valid unit, such as inches (in) or centimeters (cm).
2265 You must specify a unit of measurement, such as inches (in) or cen-
timeters (cm).
2266 ‘|’ may not be a valid setting for the RowSourceType property, or there
was a compile error in the function. For information on valid settings
for the RowSourceType property, click Help.
2267 There is not enough disk space to create a temporary buffer file for
printing. Free up some disk space to make room for the temporary
buffer file.
2269 Some library databases couldn’t be loaded because too many were
specified. To change library database references, click References on
the Tools menu.
2272 The setting for the Update Retry Interval must be from 0 through 1,000
2273 The setting for Update Retries must be from 0 through 10.
2274 The database ‘|’ is already open as a library database.
2275 The string returned by the builder was too long. The result will be
2276 The custom builder you’re using caused an error by changing the focus
to a different window while you were using it. Enter a value without
using the custom builder.
2277 There was a font initialization error.
2278 Microsoft Access can’t save your changes to this bound OLE object.
Either you don’t have permission to write to the record in which the
object is stored, or the record is locked by another user. Copy the
object to the Clipboard (select the object and click Copy on the Edit
menu), and click Undo Current Record on the Edit menu. Then open
the application you used to create the object, paste the object from the
Clipboard, and save it.
2279 The value you entered isn’t appropriate for the input mask ‘|’ specified
for this field.
2280 You have added more output formats to the Windows Registry than
Microsoft Access can initialize. Some output formats will not be avail-
able. Remove those formats that you never or least often use.
Access 2002 and Jet 4 Errors