
ErrorCode ErrorString
3714 Locked table. This record could not be applied during synchronization
since the table was locked by another user. Resubmit this conflict
3715 Unique key violation. This record has the same key value as another
record, whereas only unique values are permitted. Either change the
key value in this conflict record or the winning record and then resub-
mit this record, or delete this conflict record.
3716 TLV violation. This record contains a field value that does not meet the
table level validation constraint. Either update the field value that is
violating the validation rule and then resubmit this conflict record, or
delete this conflict record.
3717 Delete/RI conflict. The primary key record has been deleted by another
replica, therefore this referencing record has been rejected. Either cre-
ate a new primary key record that satisfies the referential integrity con-
straint and then resubmit your update, or delete this conflict record.
3718 Update/RI conflict. The primary key record has been updated by
another replica, therefore this referencing record has been rejected.
Either create a new primary key record that satisfies the referential
integrity constraint, modify the foreign key value in this conflict record
to match a valid primary key value and then resubmit your update, or
delete this conflict record.
3719 Foreign key violation resulting from an invalid primary key record that
was involved in a replication conflict. Either create a new primary key
record that satisfies the referential integrity constraint, modify the for-
eign key value in this conflict record to match a valid primary key
value and then resubmit this conflict record, or delete this conflict
3720 Cannot change field ‘|’. It is part of one or more relationships.
3721 Invalid SQL syntax—expected constraint name.
3722 Invalid SQL syntax—expected token: DEFAULT.
3723 Invalid SQL syntax—expected token: COMPRESSION to follow
3724 Invalid SQL syntax—expected token: UPDATE or DELETE.
3725 Invalid SQL syntax—expected token: CASCADE, SET NULL, or NO
3726 Invalid SQL syntax—expected token: NULL.
Appendixes for Web Site