Installation manual

Care of Your Mass Storage System
In this appendix you will read:
how to care for your Winchester disk drive
shock and vibration specifications for your mass storage systems
Micro-floppy information
hardware features for the micro-floppy
how to insert a micro-floppy into the mass storage system
how to remove a micro-floppy from the mass storage system
The Winchester disk drive in your mass storage system is fragile. By
understanding its nature and by taking measures to avoid damage, you should
enjoy trouble-free service.
We recommend two general precautions:
Operate your mass storage system in an environment protected from shock,
vibration, moisture, and corrosive fumes.
Transport your mass storage system carefully and always in its protective
shipping box.
Shock and Vibration
The head of your Winchester disk drive is suspended above the disk, by less
than a micron (0.001 mm), when the unit is operating. The head rests on the
disk in an area not containing data when the drive is turned off or locked in
position for transport. Impact can damage the head or the disk.
The mass storage systems are designed to withstand levels of:
Care of Your Winchester Disk