Installation manual

Care of Your Mass Storage System
Appendix A
Figure 1.20 shows the front view hardware.
Figure 1.20
iew of the Microfloppy
Read/Write Access Slot
Do not touch the
recording surfaces
Access Notch
When red shows
your data is
Place your label in this
area with information concerning
data files, and formatting
Manufactures Permanent Label
Permanent Label
This label is placed on the micro-floppy by the manufacturer and indicates the
specifications of the micro-floppy.
Temporary Label
This label should be placed above the permanent label. Mark the temporary
label with a felt tipped pen with information identifying:
when the micro-floppy was formatted
name of data files
Write Protect Notch
This is a small red square located at the upper right hand corner. it protects and
ensures data integrity.
When you slide this red notch, you control either if your files are protected, or if
you want to add information. When open (red does not show) your data is
Front View Hardware Features