Installation manual

This glossary defines terms pertaining to Allen–Bradley mass storage systems.
For a broader glossary of programmable controller (PC) words, contact your
Allen–Bradley sales engineer or distributor for publication SD60.
Access: To locate data stored in a computer system or in computer–related
Access Slot: An opening in which to insert a micro–floppy diskette.
Address: 1) An alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies where data is
stored. 2) An alpha numeric value used to identify a specific I/O rack, module
group, and terminal.
Addressing System: A labeling technique used to identify storage locations
within a processor system.
Address Track: A path on a magnetic tape or disk on which recorded
addresses are used to retrieve data stored on other tracks.
Application: 1) A machine or process monitored and controlled by a PC. 2)
The use of computer–or processor–based routines for specific purposes.
Baud: A unit of data transmission speed equal to the number of code elements
per second.
Connector Cable: A detachable device for connecting electrical conductors.
Device Media Control Language (DMCL): The language used by the
systems programmer to specify the physical storage of data in a database
Diskette: A flexible plastic disk coated with magnetic oxide and used for data
Disk File: An organized collection or records held on a magnetic disk.
Disk Storage: An external computer storage device consisting of one or more
disks space on a common shaft and magnetic heads mounted on arms that
extend between the disks to read and record information on them. Also know as
disk memory; magnetic disk storage.
Distributed Processing System: A set of hardware modules located at
different physical locations. Individual modules do stand–alone processing but