
Publication GMC-SG001E-EN-P June 2001
1394 Drive System Family 4-21
1394 9/Series CNC Interface System
The 1394 9/Series CNC interface system (1394-SJTxx-E) provides a digital servo system to be used with the
9/260 and 9/290 CNC. This system provides all power electronics and uses a cost-saving digital interface
approach. Servo control for this system is handled by the 9/Series CNC. A fiber-optic I/O ring is provided
to the 1394 and the system is completely interfaced with and programmed using ODS (Off-Line
Development System) and the CNC operator panel. Allen-Bradley Remote I/O, MMS/Ethernet (9/260 and
9/290 only), and Data Highway Plus
(9/260 and 9/290 only) communications are available options with
the 9/Series CNC interface system.
Figure 4.16
1394 CNC Interface System Architecture
1746 I/O
9/230, 9/260, or
9/290 CNC
Resolver-based feedback only
ODS Software
Fiber Optic Ring
Fiber Optic Ring
Fiber Optic Ring
Fiber Optic Ring
Operator Panel
MTB Panel
1326AB Motors