
Publication GMC-SG001E-EN-P June 2001
5-14 Software
Ultraware Workspace
Ultraware allows you to access on-line and off-line drives, save on-line drive settings, and load off-line
drive settings to on-line drives. In the workspace window, each icon provides access to drive information.
The workspace is divided into two sections: on-line drives and an Ultraware file. All drives on the serial
network are displayed under the on-line drives icon. All off-line drive settings are stored in the Ultraware
Ultraware allows you to load new configurations to on-line drives and save existing settings by performing
simple drag-and-drop operations. You can save an existing on-line drive configuration by dragging and
dropping the desired drive to the Ultraware file. The same process is used to load off-line drive settings
into an on-line drive. To load all off-line settings into the on-line drive, you only need to drag and drop
the off-line drive icon onto the desired on-line drive.
Figure 5.14
Ultraware Workspace Window
On-line Ultra3000
Drive Parameters
On-line Ultra5000
Drive Parameters
Off-line Drives
Stored in Ultrware