
Publication GMC-SG001E-EN-P June 2001
Brushless Servo Motors
You may choose from among seven families of brushless servo motors. F-, H-, MP-230 volt, N-, and
Y-Series motors are used with the 2098 motion control system, and MP-460 volt, 1326AB, and 1326AS
motors with the 1394 motion control system. A wide range of characteristics and attributes allows you to
select a motor that meets all the requirements of your motion control application.
Determining Which Motor to Use
Use the following table to help determine which family of motors you need:
Motor Description Typical Applications Characteristics
Medium-inertia brushless servo motors
Continuous torque - 3.5 to 23.7 N-m (31 to 210 lb-in.)
Speeds up to 3600 RPM
2000-line incremental encoder standard
Available with 230V windings
Web processing
Machine tool
Textile machinery
CAM replacement
Higher inertia-matching capability
Heavy duty continuous operations
Environmentally rugged
Low-inertia brushless servo motors
Continuous torque - 0.5 to 50 N-m (5 to 450 lb-in.)
Speeds up to 6000 RPM
2000-line incremental encoder standard
Available with 230V windings
Smart conveyors
Packaging machinery
Material feeding
Pick-and-place machines
High duty cycle applications
High acceleration and peak torques
High-speed point-to-point positioning
Environmentally rugged
Low-inertia brushless servo motors
Continuous torque - 2 to 10.20 N-m (17.70 to 90 lb-in.)
Speeds up to 5000 RPM
Multiple feedback options including absolute
multi-turn high resolution, absolute single-turn high
resolution, and 2000 line incremental encoder
Available with 230V and 460 windings.
Key or no key option
Food processing
Metal forming
Derivative for semiconductor
High torques
Reduced size
Environmentally rugged
High torque-to-inertia ratio
Medium inertia, NEMA-style brushless servo motors
Continuous torque - 0.18 to 5.9 N-m (1. 6 t o 5 2lb-in.)
Speeds up to 6000 RPM
1000-, 2000-line incremental encoder standard
Available with 230V windings
Web processing
Machine tool
Textile machinery
CAM replacements
Stepper replacement
High-performance stepper replacement
Excellent mechanical interface
Environmentally rugged