User guide

GL2400 User Guide 17
AUX SENDS These rotary controls adjust how much channel
signal is mixed to the aux outputs. Each of the 6 auxes has its own
control. They adjusts from fully off to +6dB boost. Unity gain 0dB is
marked at 3 o’clock position. Auxes 1-4, 5-6 are switched pre/post.
The settings may be changed if preferred by repositioning internal
jumper link options. They offer several different combinations of pre
and post-fade sends, and a post-EQ option for the pre-fade sends.
More detail is provided in OPTIONS later in this guide.
Pre-fade aux sends are not affected by the channel fader movements.
These are typically used to feed stage monitors. In most cases users
also prefer that the monitor sends are not affected by inserted
processors or the channel EQ. Post-fade aux sends follow the
channel faders and are typically used to send a proportion of the
channel signal to an effects device such as reverb or delay. Note that
post-fade sends may be preferred when the console is configured in
monitor mode so that the faders become ‘masters’ for all monitor
mixes. Pre or post-fade sends may also be used for special
applications such as recording, zone feeds, clean feeds and aux fed
subs or centre speaker.
PRE When pressed, the pre-fade channel signal is sent to the
associated auxes. When released, the post-fade signal is sent. Auxes
1 to 4 and 5, 6 are grouped for pre/post switching. Default setting is
pre-insert, pre-EQ so that inserted compressors and EQ do not affect
the sends when mixing monitors from FOH. You can change this by
repositioning the internal option jumpers.
PAN Positions the channel signal between L/R in the stereo mix,
and odd/even if routed to the groups. The centre position (mono
image) is detented for quick resetting.
MUTE When pressed, the channel signal is turned off. This affects
the feed to the LR mix, pre and post-fade aux sends and direct output,
but does not affect the insert send. The red indicator lights when the
channel is muted. Always mute the channel when switching phantom
power or plugging the cables and sources.
PFL Press PFL to listen to the pre-fade channel signal in the
headphones and local monitor without affecting the main outputs.
The console PFL/AFL active red indicator lights and the monitor LR
meters display the channel signal. The PFL switch yellow indicator
lights to show that PFL has been selected on that channel. Selecting
more than one PFL at the same time mixes those signals together in
the monitor.
METER A 4 LED channel meter displays the pre-fader signal level.
‘SIG’ lights when a signal level of -12dBu is detected. ‘0’ lights when
the nominal 0dBu level is reached, and ‘+6’ at +6dBu. ‘PK’ lights
when the channel pre-fade signal is within 5dB of clipping. This gives
you enough warning to reduce GAIN before you hear signal distortion.
ROUTING Press L-R to route the channel signal to the main LR
mix. Press 1-2 or 3-4 to route to the groups. Use PAN to position the
signal between L/R or the odd/even group pairs. To route to a single
group set PAN fully to one side. You can route to L-R and all groups
simultaneously by pressing all switches. Check that you have set
these switches correctly before you start mixing.
FADER A high quality 100mm smooth travel fader with protective
dust cover controls the channel level feeding the main LR mix, groups
and post-fade aux sends. It also affects the direct output if this has
been set to post-fade using the internal option jumpers. The fader
provides +10dB maximum boost above its normal unity gain 0dB
20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k
20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k