Operation Manual

GL3300 U
8 AUX SENDS provide ample feeds for foldback monitors and effects. These
are in two groups of four each with a POST/PRE switch to source the sends either
pre-fader or post-fader.
AUX 1-4 feed balanced XLR outputs capable of driving long cable runs and
include INSERT points. These are normally used to provide MONITOR SENDS
to the performers and stage crew, although they can be used for additional effects.
Plug a graphic EQ into the insert to 'ring out the monitor' (tune) to the stage
acoustics to minimise feedback. The effect of the EQ can be listened to using the
aux master AFL system. Monitor sends are usually set pre-fade, although some
sources such as radio mics can be set post-fade to avoid 'dressing room' talk spill.
Note stereo input channel aux sends are the mono sum of left and right.
AUX 5-8 feed jack outputs and are normally used to provide EFFECTS SENDS
to external devices such as reverb and delay effects units. Effects sends are set
post-fade so that the amount of effect (wet signal) is always relative to the position
of the fader (dry signal). Adjust the amount of effect required for each channel
using its AUX control. The effect is returned to the mix through another channel,
usually the stereo return described later in this guide.
Note; when the GRP/AUX REVERSE 5-8 switches are pressed in the master
section AUX SENDS 5-8 feed XLR outputs with inserts. GROUPs 5-8 are re-
routed to AUX 5-8 jack outputs.
POST-FADE sends are always post-EQ, post-mute. PRE-FADE sends are set
post-EQ, post-mute as standard, but may be internally reset to be pre-EQ, pre-mute
or post-EQ, pre-mute. Each AUX SEND may be internally set to be permanently
pre or post-fade rather than follow the panel switch. Refer to the Internal Link
Options section in this user guide.
PAN positions the channel signal between the Left L and Right R outputs when
the L-R ROUTING switch is pressed. PAN also positions the channel signal
between the ODD groups e.g. 1, 3, 5, 7 and EVEN groups e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8 when the
ROUTING switches are pressed. This lets you position the sounds within a stereo
image. In this way subgroups may be set up in mono by turning the PAN fully left
L or right R or in stereo by setting PAN between L and R to feed a pair of groups.
MUTE switches the signal off when pressed. A muted channel is indicated by the
illuminated switch. The channel meter continues to indicate pre-mute and fader
channel activity. The mute switch also illuminates when the channel is muted by
one of the 4 MUTE GROUPs.
Switches M1, M2, M3, M4 next to the fader, assign which mute group the input
channel will be assigned to. This is controlled by the MUTE GROUP switches
located in the master section.
A 100mm long throw FADER provides +10dB boost above the normal '0'
operating level.
A 3 LED CHANNEL METER system shows signal activity at all times. The green
SIG LED indicates signals greater than -20dBu, the yellow '0' LED represents
normal operating level, and the red PEAK LED warns of potential overload 5dB
before clipping. Set the channel so that the meter averages '0'. Back the gain off
if the red peak LED flashes.
Pressing PFL automatically interrupts the headphone monitor signal to let you
listen to the channel pre-fader signal without interrupting the main console
outputs. The signal level is shown on the LR monitor bargraph meters, and on the
Mono/PFL meter if the optional meterpod is fitted. In this way each sound can be
correctly lined up and checked at any time.
DIRECT OUT taps the signal off post fader for connection to external processing
or recording equipment. This is ideal for multitrack recording during live
performance as each channel can be recorded onto a separate track for mixdown
later. The direct out signal can be set pre-fader if the internal link option is changed.
Refer to the Internal Link Options section in this user guide.
Normal fader