Operation Manual

Mute groups, patches and MIDI overwrite the console mutes with the settings held in
memory or an external controller. You may want to prevent selected channels being
overwritten, for example if you need to repatch mic channels to deal with a cable break
during a live show. In this situation it would not be convenient to reprogram the mute
groups and patches. Instead you would operate these channel mutes manually until the
show ends. You may also prefer to take manual control of lead performers to prevent
their channels being accidentally affected by the mute automation or MIDI.
The GL4000 includes a 'mute safes' facility so that selected channels can be 'made
safe' from the mute groups, patches and MIDI control. These settings are programmed
into non-volatile memory so that its contents are retained when power is removed.
Channel safes are selected and edited 'off-line' in much the same way as editing the
groups. All input channels, groups, aux sends, L, R and M can be made safe. Note that
the mute safes do not affect QuickSolo which has its own safes facility described later.
The safes setting can be archived via MIDI.
For channels made 'safe' : 9 Manual muting
8 Mute groups
8 Mute patches
8 MIDI input
9 MIDI output
In normal console mode the green LEDs below the MUTE
switches indicate which channels have been made 'safe'.
In 'edit group' , 'preview group' or 'preview patch' mode they
indicate channels which have been assigned to a mute
group or patch. In 'solo mode' they indicate channels which
have been made 'safe' from the solo system.
The red LED will start flashing.
This puts the mute system into 'edit safes' mode.
The channel safes are selected or edited 'off-line'
using the MUTE switches. This lets you assign safes
during a live show without affecting the mute status of
the channels.
Press the MUTE to be made 'safe'.
The green SAFE/PREVIEW LED below the MUTE
switch will turn on or off to show if the channel will be
'safe' or not.
Press EDIT SAFES again to exit edit mode.