Operation Manual

GLD User Guide 25 AP8561 iss.2
Working with Scenes
GLD has 500 Scene memories. These are 'snapshots' of the live mixing parameters. They store all
current mix settings but not the bus configuration and user preferences. Use Scenes to store parameter
changes you want to recall instantly, for example cues during a theatre production or sound checked
bands during a music show. Use Shows to store and archive the complete GLD setup including its bus
configuration, user preferences and all Scene memories.
A Scene stores all parameter settings. A Recall Filter is available for each Scene to let you choose
which parameters to recall. For example, work with just the channel fader levels and mutes for a range of
Scenes, or change an EQ on one channel using a Scene. You can name Scenes, add a description,
copy and paste their settings to other Scenes, delete their contents, and create Cue Lists from selected
Scenes arranged in any order and repeated any number of times.
Global Scene Safes can be set to protect selected parameters being overwritten by the Scene system.
These can be set using the Scene Safes screen. You can also fully protect a channel or master from
Scene recall by pressing the Safes key together its strip Mix key. For example, to protect background
music and continuity announcement while a band sound check is recalled.
Refer to the GLD Touch Screen Reference Guide for more information on using Scenes and the other
functions accessed via the screen.
Display the full list
of 500 Scenes.
Display a Cue List
of selected Scenes.
Create, name, save and
load Cue Lists using this
Choose to make select
parameters globally Recall
Safe using this screen.
Touch to open the
keypad and name the
Type in a description
for the Scene.
Touch to recall the
selected Scene.
Touch to view and edit
the Recall Filter for the
selected Scene
Delete the selected
Store the current
settings to the selected
Scene. This will
overwrite existing
Scene settings.
Touch to Copy the currently selected
Scene ready to be pasted to one or more
other Scene positions.
Highlight a Scene in the list then touch Paste to overwrite
its contents with those of the copied Scene. It also copies
the settings of the Recall Filter.
You can paste one Scene to multiple positions in the list.
The last Scene recalled and the Scene
highlighted in the list ready to be recalled
are displayed in the status bar. When the
Scene is recalled its name briefly flashes
green to confirm the action.
Touch OPTIONS to turn the Scene Editing
Confirmation option on or off. This affects
Scene Store, Recall, Delete and Copy
using the Scene Manager page.