User guide

GLD Touch Screen Reference V1.2 – Issue 1 27 ALLEN&HEATH
VS1 Vocal Shift
VocalShift VS1 is a stereo vocal pitch shifter squeezing two
channels of high quality pitch shifting into a single effect. It
has a very low latency (<6ms), covers the whole vocal
frequency range, and minimises the phasing and flutter
artifacts common with many pitch shifters.
VocalShift allows large shifts of up to +/- 1 octave, with a
further switchable octave downshift. The wide range makes
it ideal for theatrical or more extreme musical effects. The
left and right channels are fully independent, allowing
separate, high quality pitch shifting on each.
The two channels can be linked and reset to flat (zero shift)
using single button presses.
Semitones - Sets the amount of pitch shift applied to each
channel in semitones. The range is -12 (one octave
downshift) to +12 (one octave upshift). The current value is
displayed in the centre of the rotary. When ‘active’, the
control glows yellow/orange. In Link mode, both
corresponding rotaries on the left and right channels will be
illuminated. A change to either will then be reflected in both.
Cents - Sets the amount of pitch shift in cents (100 cents =
1 semitone). This is added to the setting of the Semitones
(and oct down switch) control to give the overall shift (+1
semitone and +50 cents = +150 cents pitchshift). The
cents control is useful for providing very small pitch shifts,
for example for phasing and doubling effects.
Oct Down Switch - Provides an additional 1 octave
downshift to the current pitch shift settings (i.e. +12
semitones and -1 octave = no overall shift).
Flat - Sets all pitch shift controls to zero (Semitones, Cents
and Oct Down are all set to zero).
Width - Controls the stereo width of the two pitch shifted
voices, and therefore the weighting of each in the left/right
output channels. At the “Mono” position, the left and right
channels are mixed equally to both left and right channels
resulting in a centre pan, mono effect. At the “L/R” position,
the left voice is fed only to the left channel and the right
voice to the right channel. Other positions graduate
between the two.
Link - Forces the left and right voices to be matched. If the
two channels have different, non-zero settings the right
channel pitch shift settings will be set to match those of the
left channel. If the link control is then turned off, the right
channel will restore its settings from before the link was
turned on. The Link control links the Semitones, Cents and
Oct-Down control. Pressing either “Flat” switch when
Linked results in both voices being set to zero.
Preset Name is displayed. Touch and scroll using the
screen Rotary for live update. This is a way of live
auditioning all library presets for this module (factory, user
and USB). You can also select and recall a particular preset
using the Library window.
Pitch Doubler
PitchDoubler is a stereo, pitch shifting doubler effect
generating the effect of additional voices from its input. It is
based on the same pitch shifting technology as VocalShift,
with the associated low latency (<6ms), wide frequency
range (down to around 80Hz) and minimal phasing / flutter
artefacts. The effect squeezes two channels of high quality
pitch shifting into a single effect slot, along with further
features such as adjustable delay and modulation.
The PitchDoubler has completely independent left and right
channels, which can be mixed to the left/right outputs of the
effect by means of the stereo width control.
The doubling effect is achieved by provision of time delay,
and modulated pitch shift. Sliders are provided on each
channel for independent control of the delay (0 – 25ms) and
the pitch shift (-100 -> +100). A pitch modulation LFO
module, with adjustable rate and depth, provides a natural
variation in the pitch shift.
Delay - Sets the amount of delay applied to each voice. It is
adjustable from 0 to 25ms. A readout of the delay value is
provided below the fader.
Pitch - Sets the amount of pitch shift provided, varying from
-100 cents (= 1 semitone) at the lower position to +100
cents at the upper position. The centre position
corresponds to zero pitch shift. A readout of the current
pitch shift value is provided below the fader.
Width - Controls the stereo width of the two voices. At the
“Mono” position, the left and right channels are mixed
equally to both left and right channels resulting in a centre
pan, mono effect. At the “L/R” position, the left voice is fed
only to the left channel and the right voice to the right
Level - Provides attenuation for each voice in the doubler. A
level of 0dB will pass the voice without any attenuation. A
level of -6dB will pass the voice at half volume, and -Inf will
zero the output. A readout of the current gain value is
provided to the bottom left of the rotary.
Pitch Mod Panel
Active - This panel presents controls for applying LFO (low
frequency) modulation to the pitch shift setting. Make sure
the “Active” switch is turned on.
Rate - Controls the rate (frequency) of the LFO applied to
the pitch shift. The rate is adjustable from 0.1Hz to 10Hz.
Depth - Controls the depth of modulation applied to the
pitch shift. Full depth (100) means that the pitch shift is
modulated by the full amount of its current setting. If depth
is 0, no pitch modulation is applied.