User guide

GLD Touch Screen Reference V1.2 – Issue 1 42 ALLEN&HEATH
10.5 Surface Preferences Setup page
Use the Surface Prefs page to choose the function of the
fader strip Custom Rotary and the Alt View key, and to link
fader banks.
Strip Rotary control
Each GLD surface strip has a rotary control above the fader
for instant access to important controls while mixing.
Custom Rotary Functions - The fader strip Rotary control
function is selected using 4 keys between the GLD Fader
Banks. These are:
Gain – Preamp Gain control
Pan – Main LR mix Pan control
Custom 1 – User assigned
Custom 2 – User assigned
To assign Custom Rotary functions – Use the drop-down
menu to select the function:
Unused – Rotary not assigned
Direct Out – Input channel Direct Output level
Send Level – Aux or FX sends
HPF Frequency
Compressor Threshold
Touch Apply to accept or Cancel to discard the change.
To link Fader Banks – Touch the Layer Link buttons to link
or unlink the layers across the fader banks. When two
banks are linked, selecting a layer key on either bank will
select that layer across both fader banks.
The Surface Preferences are remembered on power down
and are stored in Show memories. They are not stored in
Scene memories.
Alt View key
This key situated between the GLD surface Fader Banks
provides an alternative information display on the fader strip
LCD while it is held.
To choose an Alt View option – Open the drop-down
menu and touch an item to select it.
Alt View display options – The strip LCD normally displays
the channel name. Pressing and holding Alt View will
temporarily replace the name with one of the following
DSP Channel – Processing channel number
dB Value – Fader position dB value
Socket ID – Source socket number
Strip LCD display Socket ID codes (nn = number):
S-nn = Physical socket
P-nn = I/O Port
FX-n = Rack FX
USB = USB key playback
NotAs = Not assigned, or SigGen assigned
10.6 MIDI Setup page
Use the MIDI Setup page to assign the MIDI channel
number and operate the MIDI Transport controls.
To change the MIDI Channel – Touch the MIDI Channel
box. Turn the Rotary to select the required channel number.
Touch Apply to accept or Cancel to leave unchanged.
MIDI Transport controls – Touch these buttons to send
out the related MIDI message on the GLD MIDI port.
The following functions can be controlled using MIDI. These
can also be controlled with similar messages using TCP/IP
using the GLD Network port.
• Fader levels NRPN (Input, Master, FX, DCA)
• Mutes Note On (Input, Master, FX, DCA)
• Send levels NRPN (Aux and FX sends)
• DCA assign NRPN
• Input to Main On NRPN
• Preamp Gain Pitchbend
• Preamp Pad, 48V Sysex
• Name & Colour Sysex
• Scene Recall Program Change
• MIDI transport MIDI Machine Control
• Mix Select Polyphonic Key Pressure
Refer to for the MIDI protocol.