Quick Start Guide

iDR MixRack Getting Started Guide 3 AP7445 iss.3
iLive is a state of the art system of components providing a uniquely flexible solution dedicated to live
sound mixing and associated applications. It separates the mix engine from the control surface putting
the audio and the DSP where it is needed near the stage, and offering a host of control and audio
networking possibilities. Refer to the Allen & Heath web site to find out more about the iLive system.
The MixRack is the heart of the system. It is the mixer itself complete with audio sockets, DSP to process
the audio, and control and audio networking ports. The MixRack is typically connected to one of the
many iLive Surfaces available, but can also be controlled at the same time as or even without a Surface
using a laptop running the iLive Editor software, or preconfigured to run with PL Series remote controllers.
Walking the stage with a wireless laptop or touch tablet opens up a whole new world of mixing…
Distributed system – Separate MixRack (DSP) and Surface (controller)
Network, wireless laptop, touch tablet control
Editor software for online or offline PC/Mac control
System can be run without a Surface using laptop only
Choice of 6 MixRacks (DSP only, modular, 16, 32, 48, 64 mics)
Mix and match any combination of MixRack and Surface
Digital snake for local audio at the Surface – ACE™ single CAT5 up to 120m
Port B audio network option for digital mic splitting and system linking
Choose from ACE™, ES, MADI, ADAT, Aviom™ and more
64x32 RackExtra DSP engine with 8 stereo FX processors
32 buses can be configured as mono/stereo groups, auxes, mains, matrix
Main mix types – none, M, LR, LCR, LCRplus, LRSub, LCRSub and more
Unique Sub main mix mode for instant access to separate sub bass level
Monitor mix capability with engineer’s Wedge and IEM monitors
64 channels configurable as mono or stereo
Two MixRacks can be linked in Dual-Rack mode to provide 128 input channels
Up to 72 sources to the mix including FX returns (136 in Dual-Rack mode)
3 Dynamics, PEQ, HPF and Delay on all 64 inputs
2 Dynamics, PEQ, 1/3 octave GEQ and Delay on all 32 mixes
8 Stereo FX with dedicated returns, PEQ and DFX Shaper
FX emulations of popular industry standard devices
Input, output and insert soft patchbays
Up to 8 channel Gangs with choice of which parameters to link
16 DCAs with DCA or Mute Group mode
Built-in signal generator and RTA
User definable channel names and colours
Libraries, Scenes and Show memories with USB transfer and Scene filter
Firmware and memories compatible across all models
Store all or selected items in Scene memories
Get started quickly with built-in Template Shows
8 Password protectable User Profiles
Compatible with Allen & Heath PL remote controllers and iDR Series
MIDI interface at both the MixRack and Surface
High performance, recallable mic/line preamps
Digital +/-24dB Trim for FOH/Monitor gain sharing
Low latency, low noise, very high preamp and mix headroom
Relay protected outputs
Redundant backup PSU capability