User's Manual

Interpreting Tag ID Code Information
Table 2 lists the default data formats that are transmitted from the Panel Reader’s serial
communications port, in response to reading compatible type tags. For ISO type tags,
there is no contextual differentiation between HDX and FDX-B outputs. Both types of
tags produce a default format:
where the underscore “_” represents a space character, and <CR><LF> is a carriage
return /line feed (unprinted control characters which cause a PC’s display cursor to
jump to the beginning of the next line prior to displaying the next ID number).
In the above data output, the prefix “LA” represents “line mode – animal coded read
only tag”, “982” is the Allflex manufacturer number assigned by ICAR, and the last 12
digits comprise a unique number sequence for this particular transponder.
The TIRIS S2000 output format has become a de facto standard for many users, and
appends the reserved field and data block bits contained in the ISO coded eartag to the
Panel Reader’s default format, causing the ID code information to appear in the format:
This output is easily configured using either the Configurator® utility, or by issuing the
Command “BE40239” to the Panel Reader (see “Configuration Options on pages 15
and 16).
Note 12 - The manufacturer code “982” will be different for another manufacturer’s tag, and
can also be replaced by an ISO country code (“250” = France, for example). When other
manufacturer codes or country codes exist, there can exist the same 12 digit ID number.
Note 13 - While HDX and FDX-B type transponders have an identical context, they are
guaranteed by Allflex to be unique. That is, HDX tag type ID numbers are never duplicated in
FDX-B type tags.
For HDX Industrial coded tags, the output format is:
In this tag format, the prefix “LR” represents “line mode – industrial coded read only
tag”, “0006” is an application code unique to Allflex, and the last 16 digits comprise a
unique identifying number sequence.