User's Manual

panel may be mounted. Metal surfaces and structures should remain away from
the Panel Reader by a distance at least equal to the diagonal dimension of the Panel
Reader, in order to preserve the Panel Reader’s read range.
(b) Electrical Machinery - Most AC operated electrical machinery will not interfere
with the Panel Reader’s electrical signals. However, machinery that is electrically
controlled by electronic methods, such as motor speed controls, light dimmers, and
solid state relays can produce high frequency emissions that can cause interference.
When the Panel Reader is being trial installed, the user should exercise all the
machinery in the vicinity to ensure that potential interfering sources do not exist.
When wiring an AC mains operated power supply for use with the Panel Reader,
avoid wiring the AC connection to the same line phase as such electric machinery
is wired.
Other Eartags - If the Panel Reader is being installed in a location where
eartagged animals will exist on all sides of the Reader (such as a feeder),
precautions must be taken to ensure that only animals within the designated
reading zone are read. Presence of eartags anywhere around the Panel Reader will
result in the tag being read by the Reader, and if multiple eartags are
simultaneously present, neither eartag might be read. In such installations,
shielding with sheet metal may be necessary to prevent unwanted eartag reading,
and such shielding may decrease read range within the desired read zone.
Other Eartag Readers - Operating multiple Panel Readers within close proximity,
or operating a mobile hand-held reader nearby a Panel Reader, can reduce the read
range of all readers present, and in some cases can totally inhibit reading of all
readers. If multiple readers are planned for proximal installations, it will be
necessary to synchronize the readers.
Prior to permanent installation, ensure a suitable location for mounting the power
supply box is available within 3 meters (~10 feet) of the Panel Reader, and ensure
sufficient cable length will be available to route the cable in a secure and protected
manner. To avoid damage from animals, the cable should be routed through protective
conduit in areas where animals may have access to it.
Note 4 - It is acceptable to extend the power and data cable connections if it becomes necessary.
The power connections can be lengthened by 3 meters (~10 feet) using wire that is 16AWG or
larger. Data wiring can be extended by 12 meters (~40 feet) for RS232 interfaces and up to 1500
meters (5000 feet) for RS422 interfaces. If the cable is extended, ensure the cable splices are
implemented with electrical integrity and are suitably sealed against moisture and airborne
corrosive substances.
Once a suitable location site and installation method had been determined, the Panel
Reader can be permanently mounted in position using the ¼” (6mm) pre-drilled
mounting holes. If it is necessary, alternate or additional mounting holes may be drilled
by the user, using caution to drill only within the rectangle defined by the existing
holes. Non-magnetic mounting hardware is recommended (stainless steel, brass, or