User Manual

Video formats, modes and bandwidth
Guppy PRO Technical Manual V4.0.0
Video formats, modes and bandwidth
The different Guppy PRO models support different video formats, modes and
frame rates.
These formats and modes are standardized in the IIDC (formerly DCAM)
Resolutions smaller than the generic sensor resolution are generated from
the center of the sensor and without binning.
The maximum frame rates can only be achieved with
shutter settings lower than 1/framerate. This means
that with default shutter time of 40 ms, a camera will
not achieve frame rates higher than 25 frames/s. In
order to achieve higher frame rates, please reduce the
shutter time proportionally.
The following tables assume that bus speed is
800 Mbit/s. With lower bus speeds (e.g. 400, 200 or
100 Mbit/s) not all frame rates may be achieved.
For information on bit/pixel and byte/pixel for each
color mode see Table 99: ByteDepth on page 200.
The following Format_7 tables show default Format_7
modes without Format_7 mode mapping.
For information on Format_7 mode mapping ...
... see Chapter Mapping of possible Format_7 modes to
F7M1...F7M7 (F-503 only) For default mappings per
factory see page 180 on page 132
... see Chapter Format_7 mode mapping (only Guppy
PRO F-503) on page 262
H-binning means horizontal binning.
V-binning means vertical binning.
Full binning (H+V) means horizontal + vertical binning
2 x binning means: 2 neighboring pixels are combined.
4 x binning means: 4 neighboring pixels are combined.
Binning increases signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), but
decreases resolution.