Instruction manual

Configuration of the camera
Guppy PRO Technical Manual V2.0.3
And finally, the entry with key 40 (448h in this case) provides the offset for
the camera control register:
FFFF F0000000h + 3C0000h x 4 = FFFF F0F00000h
The base address of the camera control register is thus:
FFFF F0F00000h
The offset entered in the table always refers to the base address of
Offset 0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31
Unit dependent info
444h 00 0B
A9 6E ....unit_dep_info_length, CRC
448h 40
3C 00 00 ....command_regs_base
44Ch 81
00 00 02 ....vender_name_leaf
450h 82
00 00 06 ....model_name_leaf
454h 38
00 00 10 ....unit_sub_sw_version
458h 39
00 00 00 ....Reserved
45Ch 3A
00 00 00 ....Reserved
460h 3B
00 00 00 ....Reserved
464h 3C
00 01 00 ....vendor_unique_info_0
468h 3D
00 92 00 ....vendor_unique_info_1
46Ch 3E
00 00 65 ....vendor_unique_info_2
470h 3F
00 00 00 ....vendor_unique_info_3
Table 96: Configuration ROM