User's Manual

Location of GPS antenna on the ship
Dynamic data:
Position of the vessel
Course over ground (COG)
Speed over ground (SOG)
True heading
It receives also safety related messages (SRM) from other vessels or persons who are in
SOTDMA Class B AIS broadcasts ship´s static data every 6 minutes. Ship dynamic data
will be transmitted per following reporting interval:
Ship Speed
Nominal Reporting Interval
Increased reporting interval
>23 knots
Every 5 seconds
Every 15 seconds
between 14-23 knots
Every 15 seconds
Every 30 seconds
between 2-14 knots
Every 30 seconds
Every 30 seconds
2 knots or at anchored or
Every 3 minutes
Every 3 minutes
The Class B “SO” AIS follows the rules set by ITU-R M.1371-5, and increases the
reporting interval to “Increased Reporting Interval” in accordance with Table above
when less than 50 % of the slots of each of the last four consecutive frames are free.
When more than 65 % of the slots of each of the last four consecutive frames are free,
the Class B “SO” AIS reports at the “Nominal Reporting Interval”.