User's Manual

3.1.2 Serial Port Connection
After the USB driver is installed and the device is recognized as a “Virtual Com Port,
launch the Configuration Software, select Option in the menu bar, then Connection,
and “serial port. There are 2 options to connect the software with your device:
Auto: The system will scan all connected ports and their available baud rates
and establish connection automatically.
Manual: Configure baud rate and port manually. The default baud rate is
115200. To determine serial port with which the device is connected, please
refer to Appendix in this manual.
Click on “Connect, to connect the Configuration Software with your device.
Figure 10 Serial Port Connection
3.1.3 Wireless Connection (only for WideLink B600W)
Figure 11 Wi-Fi Connection for WideLink B600W
For WideLink B600W, the connection between the Configuration Software and the
device can also be established wirelessly. Please refer to 4.4 “Wi-Fi Configuration”
about how to access WideLink B600W from your PC as Access Point.
After your PC is wirelessly connected with the device, go to Option in the menu bar,
then Connection, and “Wi-Fi”. The IP address and Port are already preprogrammed to
fit WideLink B600W´s configuration. Click on “Connect, to connect the Configuration
Software with your device.