User's Manual

5.4 Wi-Fi Configuration (CAMINO-108W only)
Installation of Wi-Fi antenna is straight forward. Screw on the antenna firmly and
then raise up the antenna.
Figure 10 Transponder with Wi-Fi antenna connected
The information below details the information required for connecting the
CAMINO-108W to another device using Wi-Fi.
SSID (Service Set Identifier):
The SSID for the CAMINO-108W is AIS-B-NNNN where NNNN is the last 4 digits
of the units serial number (printed on the label on the side of the unit)
Security Encryption:
Any device being used to connect to the unit via Wi-Fi should support
WPA-PSK with TKIP data encryption
If requested by your device for an IP address or port number, use the
following details