User's Manual

1. Warming
Thank you for choosing AMEC MOB Dolphin Man Overboard system (hereafter called “MOB”or
“PRODUCT”). This product is an auxiliary safety system. Solely rely on information provided by the
PRODUCT or any neglects may resulted in incomplete safety coverage this PRODUCT enhances crew
safety and provide additional protection only under safety instruction and procedures are obeyed in
accordance with local requirements. In addition, any improper use, false installation, or maintenance, may
leads to unpredicted product performance failure. Please carefully read the instruction manual before
using this PRODUCT.
2. About this instruction manual
This instruction manual is especially written for AMEC MOB Dolphin system where its installation
instruction as well as product application can be only applied to AMEC MOB Dolphin system. Please
follow the manual instruction for system installation. Most of the installation can be performed by system
monitors or users. Any product damage that caused from failure to operate the installation in accordance
with instruction will incur no liability or compensation to AMEC. This instruction manual may help you
getting started with AMEC Dolphin system. The product introduction will begin from product package,
and then lead you step by step to get a better understanding of each product function.