Owner manual

Voltage Control
As well as direct user control, Pamelas clock can be control via 3 external signal
inputs - clock, run and tempo.
Clock Input
An external trigger pulse or clock input. When connected the device will sync or
‘follow’ a pulsed input (such as a square wave from an LFO). The frequency of the input
will need to be in acceptable range as to fit maximum and minimum BPM values.
By default a 24 pulses per quarter note (PQN) clock will be expected (i.e a DIN Sync
clock). This can be changed to 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 or 16 PQN by pressing and holding the
program knob on the BPM screen for approximately 1 second. Then select the c screen
and click again to select. The external clock PQN value will then be shown and made
editable by twisting the program. Press and hold again to exit.
It is recommended for timing accuracy the highest PQN is always used.
Multiplieraccuracymay suffer when low PQNs are used.
This input when connected and active will override any user control. The display will
show the approximate followed BPM rate.
Run Input
The ‘run input is used to externally stop, start and reset the clock.
When set high to approximately 2 volts or more, the clock will start. When then set
low it will stop. The clock can only be stopped by voltage control if it was started by it.
Ru n
ALM-001 - ‘Pamela’s Workout’