Instruction manual

Regular checking of the baffle plate will ensure that
the stove’s flueway stays clear of soot as well as
ensure its continued safe and efficient operation. If
you have never owned a stove before it is important
to understand how critical this aspect of operating
a stove is. As stated previously it is best to familiar-
ise yourself with this procedure before the stove is
With the Alpha Inset Boiler there are no baffle fixing
brackets, bolts or fire bricks to remove.
Firstly, Protect any decorative finishes such as porous
stonework, tile grout or carpets as there will
To back of stove
3 Carefully remove from the fire chamber
2 Drop down at angle
1 Push upwards and pull forward
inevitably be some sooty debris removed with the
baffle. When the stove and boiler are cold, simply put
your hand inside the ‘roof’ of the fire chamber and
push upwards. This will release the plate which should
then be pulled forward slightly and dropped down on
one side to clear the fixed retainers ready for inspec-
tion and cleaning.
To replace the baffle, simply reverse the operation –
ensuring that it sits securely along the retaining ledge
at the back of the fire chamber and that there are no
air gaps between the retainer sand the baffle.
Remember, only attempt to remove the baffle when
you are sure that the inside of the stove is cold.