
Page 8 Installation Instructions: Roadrunner 030 and 040 AM-2000M Upgrade
includes a Tandberg tape drive, make sure the bootable hard disk and the tape drive
are attached to the same bus. The configuration will not be functional if the tape drive is
connected to the SASI port on the AM-145 board and the bootable disk drive is attached
to the Roadrunner’s SCSI port.
If you are installing a new SCSI drive, you may want to attach your existing SCSI drive
to the SASI port so you can copy software on to your new SCSI drive attached to the
Roadrunner SCSI port. If you are booting from the Roadrunner SCSI port and want to
copy software from a drive connected to your computer’s SASI port, the SCSI drive
connected to the SASI port must be addressed to SCSI ID 1, 2, or 3. If the drive
attached to the SASI port is addressed as 0, one of two things will happen; the
computer will hang during the boot cycle; or if the SCSI drive connected to the SASI port
has a properly configured bootable copy of AMOS, the computer will boot from the SASI
port instead of the Roadrunner SCSI port. Also, you will need to create the appropriate
driver using FIXLOG for the drive you are accessing as a subsystem device.
Maxtor LXT, MXT, and 7200 series SCSI disk drives supplied by Alpha Micro are
supported for use on the Roadrunner’s SCSI port. However, for use on your computer’s
SASI port, Maxtor MXT SCSI drives must have revision 1.5 firmware or later. Also, in
order to be compatible with the Roadrunner hardware, your Maxtor MXT SCSI-2
compatible disk drive must have a sticker indicating it has special 6F+ firmware or it
must be using 1.5 or later production firmware. Quantum LPS and Empire SCSI disk
drives sold by Alpha Micro are also supported on the Roadrunner’s SCSI port.
The boot PROM on the Roadrunner is programmed to look first at the SASI port on the
AM-145 board. If a SCSI drive addressed as I.D.0 is detected on the SASI port, it will
be selected as the boot device. If no device is detected on the SASI port, the boot
PROM will then check the Roadrunner’s SCSI port for a device. If a SCSI drive
addressed as I.D.0 is detected on the Roadrunner board, it will be selected as the boot
The installation of Roadrunner hardware does not change the way your boot select
switch works on your AM-145 board. The switch settings documented in your computer
owner’s manual are still valid.
Under AMOS 2.2 (or later) operating systems, you can divide your hard disk drive into
logical devices larger than 32MB. In fact, you could take a 540MB drive and make it one
giant 540MB logical. While this is perfectly acceptable, you may get a memory allocation
error when running programs that load a copy of the bitmap into your memory
partition—e.g., DSKANA and MONTST. To use these types of programs, you will need
at least one job on your computer with enough memory allocated to allow you to load
the large bitmap. Depending on the size of the logical device, you may need a memory
partition between 100 and 800KB.
PDI-00172-40, Rev. A05