
Page 30 Installation Instructions: Roadrunner 030 and 040 AM-2000M Upgrade
After installation is complete, run the Roadrunner Self Test program to make sure each
subsystem is functional. The self test diagnostics are incorporated into the boot PROM
on the Roadrunner. Refer to the
Alpha Micro Self Test User’s Guide
for instructions.
Once you have completed self test, press the reset button and wait for the computer to
boot. At the AMOS prompt, type:
Check the system status information displayed by the SYSTAT program and insure all
jobs applicable to your computer are up and running—e.g., terminal, printer, task
manager, etc.
13.1Making a Roadrunner Compatible Warm Boot Tape
Once your Roadrunner enhanced computer is up and running, you should create a
warm boot tape. A warm boot tape provides a convenient way of accessing your SCSI
drive should it ever fail to boot.
An example of a typical routine for generating a warm boot monitor for a Roadrunner
enhanced AM-2000M computer is shown on the next page. The program prompts are
shown in plain text and the user input is shown in bold type. The total size of your warm
boot monitor cannot exceed 200KB. If you exceed the 200K limit, WRMGEN will
generate an overflow error.
When prompted for the system disk driver name, enter SCZRR.DVR as the driver
name. When WRMGEN prompts you to enter the dispatcher name, enter the simple
dispatcher name, SIMRR.SYS. Also, the input monitor name, the bitmap size, the
number of logicals, and other configuration specific entries used on the next page are
shown for example purposes only; you must enter the monitor name, bitmap size,
number of logicals, etc. applicable to your configuration.
PDI-00172-40, Rev. A05