
Page 32 Installation Instructions: Roadrunner 030 and 040 AM-2000M Upgrade
Under normal operating conditions, the RUN light on AM-2000M computers (without
Roadrunner hardware installed) will remain lit at all times. With the Roadrunner
hardware installed and the system booted, you’ll notice the RUN light on your
computer’s front panel may not be lit. This is because the Roadrunner hardware uses
the RUN light as an activity light and during periods of no activity the RUN light will go
When your computer boots, a number of status codes are displayed on the computer’s
front panel. The following tables show the codes generated by the AMOS monitor, as
well as the codes generated by the boot PROMS.
For the tables on the following pages, the first digit of many status codes is shown as
"x". This digit is either 2 or 3, and identifies the device the computer is attempting to
boot from:
2 = The alternate boot device.
3 = The primary boot device.
If you have an alternate boot device selected, the first few status codes will always
begin with 2 since the computer checks the alternate device first. If there is a bootable
tape or floppy diskette in the alternate boot device, the first digit of the status codes
remains 2. If there is no bootable medium in the alternate device, the computer boots
from the primary device and the first digit of the status codes changes to 3.
PDI-00172-40, Rev. A05