Owner`s manual

Page 1Eagle/Roadrunner Configuration Information
Basic instructions on how to use your computer are located in the
Eagle Series
Computer Owner’s Manual
. The
Eagle Computer Service Manual
contains information
on accessing your computer, configuring your computer’s hardware, installing
peripherals, etc. This document contains software and peripheral configuration
information unique to computers (like your Eagle), which use an AM-172 or AM-174
Roadrunner board. Additionally, this document has been updated to include the "Super
Eagle" system.
The topics discussed are:
1.Configuring the Roadrunner’s high performance SCSI dispatcher.
2.Enabling the Roadrunner’s write buffering feature.
3.Roadrunner peripheral compatibility information, located in Appendix A.
4.Software considerations when using a 68040 based Roadrunner board,
located in Appendix B.
One of the software modules that makes your Eagle computer so fast is the SCSI
dispatcher. AMOS uses the dispatcher to communicate with the SCSI controller chip. All
communications with the SCSI controller chip are handled by the dispatcher.
There are two versions of the SCSI dispatcher. SCZRR.SYS is a high-performance,
SSD protected version of the SCSI dispatcher, which supports command queueing,
synchronous transfers, multi-threaded, and scatter-gather operations. SIMRR.SYS is a
simplified version of the SCSI dispatcher, which is not SSD protected and does not
support the high performance features supported in SCZRR.SYS.
The simple dispatcher (SIMRR.SYS) is also used for making a warm boot tape. When
making a warm boot tape for your Eagle computer, you will be prompted to enter the
dispatcher name. Simply enter SIMRR.SYS.
When you receive your Eagle computer from Alpha Micro, it is configured with the
simple SCSI dispatcher (SIMRR.SYS). The first thing you must do when you boot
your new Eagle computer is enter the PIC for the high performance SCSI
dispatcher (SCZRR.SYS).
To obtain the dispatcher PIC code, simply call Alpha Micro at 1-800-289-2574 and let
the person on the other end of the phone know what your SSD number is. You will be
given a PIC code compatible with your SSD chip.
PDI-03500-50, Rev. B00