
Page 3Installation Instructions: Roadrunner 030 & 040 AM-1000 / AM-1200 Upgrade
2.AM-174 66MHz Specific features:
a.MC68040 CPU.
b.33MHz bus clock rate.
c.66MHz CPU clock rate.
d.4KB internal instruction cache
e.32KB external cache.
f.One on-board (SIMM) single inline memory  module expansion slot,
which supports 4, 8, 16, and 32 megabyte 70ns DRAMs.
3.AM-174 80MHz Specific features:
a.MC68040 CPU.
b.40MHz bus clock rate.
c.80MHz CPU clock rate.
d.4KB internal instruction cache
e.32KB external cache.
f.One on-board (SIMM) single inline memory  module expansion slot,
which supports 4, 8, 16, and 32 megabyte 60ns DRAMs.
4.Features applicable all Roadrunner boards:
a.32-bit bidirectional data path.
b.32-bit address path.
c.Seven interrupt levels with vector capability.
d.DMA channel capability.
e.On-board bootstrap PROM containing several boot routines that
enable you to change the I/O device the computer boots from. Also
contains full power-up self-test of various system features.
f.On-board high performance SCSI expansion interface, which
supports both SCSI-1 and SCSI-2 peripherals.
PDI-00172-10, Rev. A03