User guide

Setup Menu Options
4. Select an option on the menu by entering the number of the option in the Your
choice? field and pressing Enter.
5. To enter a value for a parameter, type the value and press Enter, or to confirm a
current value, just press Enter.
6. When you are finished, save the new configurations (option 9). The unit reboots.
Using the Serial Port
To initially configure the unit through a serial connection:
1. Connect a console terminal or PC running a terminal emulation program to your unit's
serial port. The default serial port settings are 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1-stop bit, no-
flow control.
2. To enter Setup Mode, reset the unit by cycling the unit's power (power off and back on).
The self-test will begin. You have one second to enter three lowercase x characters
Note: The easiest way to enter Setup Mode is to hold down the x key at the terminal (or
emulation) while resetting the unit.
3. At this point, the screen display is the same as when you use a Telnet connection
The following figure shows all of the configuration parameters. The remainder of this Appendix
describes each parameter in detail.