
Weather Information Settings
If you’d like to add weather information to the top
of your displays, enter your US zip code or nearest
major city into the search box. Select the
appropriate line in the search results.
In the Unit Measurements drop down box, please
choose between:
Standard (Fahrenheit- Inches) or
Metric (Celsius – Centimeters)
Note: The enabling of this option requires the
PC(s) running the MailRoom™ software to have a
full-time Internet connection.
MailRoom Messages
To add messages to the MailRoom™ display
monitor, click on the button.
Add the message line to the message text box.
Optionally, add any date range by clicking the
appropriate box specifying when you want the
display to show. You can specify Date range, specific
days of the week, or specific times of the day in
Select an optional image if needed, and specify the
mailroom(s) you wish this message displayed in.
When you have finished entering the information,
you can exit the screen, or click new message to add the next message.
To Edit the message, highlight it from the list of MailRoom Messages and make the necessary changes below.
When you have finished changing the information, you can exit the screen, or click new message to add the next
To Delete a message, highlight he message and press the button. Click OK on the confirmation box.