Installation guide

Parameter Value Meaning Basic
42 z
sign for call extension
z sign for call extension * or # (10sec before call end the guard will send a
notice, then the call may be extended)
List of related parameters: 52 8# 84
Parameter Value Meaning Basic
43 g bb
command for guard hanging up from phone
155 266
g command order [1-2] (two commands in order to hang up the guard using
both switches)
command for guard hanging up from phone [2 digits]
The advantage is to set the same command both for switch closing (parameter
35) and command to guard hanging up aa=bb.
List of related parameters: 35 8# 84
Parameter Value Meaning Basic
44 xxxx
service password
xxxx service password for entry to programming
List of related parameters: 8# 84
Parameter Value Meaning Basic
45 dd
command for DAY switching
46 nn
command for NIGHT switching
dd – command for DAY mode switching [2 digits]
nn – command for NIGHT mode switching [2 digits]
Note: The switchover to Day/Night mode remains set in guard even after line
List of related parameters: 1 2 33 34 47 8# 84
Parameter Value Meaning Basic
47 e
mode of guard choice
e mode of guard choice e=0 selects numbers of the first and second
groups, e=1 selects number per Day/Night guard mode.
List of related parameters: 1 2 8# 84
ATTENTION !! This parameter setting will sharply influence the dialing.