Owner's Manual

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3.1.5 Selecting a History item
The destinations that you have used earlier appear in the History list. Smart History offers these
locations from your previous destinations, using parameters like the current time of day, the day of
week, and the current location. The more you use the navigation software, the better it can guess
your desired destination. To select a History item, perform the following steps:
1. Press the navigation hardkey button to access the Navigation menu.
2. To open all the History items, tap
. The list of recent destinations appears. The list
begins with the three most likely destinations that are selected based on your previous routes
(Smart History). The rest of the destinations are ordered by the time they were last selected. If
necessary, scroll the list to see earlier destinations.
3. Select a destination from the list.
4. The route is calculated and the map appears showing the entire route, where you can check
route information and route alternatives. Tap
to modify the route
parameters, or tap
to start your journey.
Three of the Smart History Items are displayed in the History screen for easy access. You can
select one of them as your destination.