User Manual

BASS. The BASS button allows 2 modes of operation: BASS level control or CENTER level control.
See D) and E) below.
D) BASS LEVEL CONTROL. The bass level control is accessible in all modes of operation. If it is desired to increase/decrease
BASS response, press this button. The green function indicator above the control will glow. Also, the volume level indicators
will glow showing the last setting of the control. Rotate the master volume control clockwise to increase bass and counter
clockwise to decrease bass. Only 6 of the 7 level indicators are operational in this mode. As volume is increased/decreased
only one level indicator at a time will glow in ascending or descending order. As the volume control is varied and passes through
the flat response setting of the control, the 2 center indicators will glow. (This is the equivalent of a manual volume control set
at center detent indicating flat response.)
E) CENTER LEVEL MODE. This function is only operational in the SURROUND mode. Hold the BASS button depressed
until the function indicator begins flashing on/off. Rotate the master volume control clockwise to increase the center volume
and counterclockwise to decrease center volume. The green volume level indicators will glow in ascending order as volume
is increased and will turn off in descending order as volume is decreased.
TREBLE. The TREBLE button allows 2 modes of operation, TREBLE level control or SURROUND level control.
See F) and G) below.
F) TREBLE LEVEL CONTROL. The treble level control is accessible in all modes of operation. If it is desired to
increase/decrease TREBLE response, press this button, the green function indicator above the control will glow. Also, the
volume level indicators will glow showing the last setting of the control. Rotate the master volume control clockwise to increase
treble and counter clockwise to decrease treble. Only 6 of the 7 volume level indicators are operational in this mode. As volume
is increased/decreased only one level indicator at a time will glow in ascending or descending order. As the volume control
is varied and passes through the flat response setting of the control the 2 center indicators will glow. (This is the equivalent
of a manual volume control set at center detent indicating flat response.)
G) SURROUND. This function is only operational in the SURROUND mode. Hold the TREBLE button depressed until the
function indicators begin flashing on/off. Rotate the master volume control clockwise to increase the surround volume and
counter-clockwise to decrease the surround volume. The green volume indicators will glow in ascending order as volume
is increased and will turn off in descending order as volume is decreased.
MASTER VOLUME CONTROL. The MASTER VOLUME CONTROL provides two functions. It operates as a master volume
control for the overall system and can also be used to individually adjust the volume levels of BASS, CENTER, TREBLE and
SURROUND. If any one of the functions is selected and is not adjusted within a few seconds, the control reverts back to becoming
a master volume control.
FLAT RESPONSE SETTINGS. To set the BASS and TREBLE controls to a flat response (default) and the CENTER and
SURROUND controls to mid volume level positions, both the BASS and TREBLE buttons must be depressed at the same time.
Initially the function indicators above buttons the will be green. The buttons must be kept depressed until the indicators turn off.
The amplifier response is now flat (linear). If it is desired to increase/decrease BASS or TREBLE response press either of these
buttons respectively. Two volume level indicators will glow in the middle of the display indicating the flat response of the amplifier.
Notice that the volume level display has changed from 7 to 6 indicators. Rotate the volume control clockwise to increase levels and
counter-clockwise to decrease levels from the flat setting.
To access CENTER and SURROUND volume level settings, the unit must be in the SURROUND mode. Press either the BASS or
TREBLE button until the function indicator flashes. Four volume level indicators will glow showing mid setting. Adjust the
volume control clockwise to increase volume level from the mid setting and counter-clockwise to decrease volume level from the
mid setting. All volume level indicators are operational in this mode.
Figure 6