User's Manual

Thank you for choosin g our mi n i t o rcolor-screen mobile phone. You may read this user manual carefully so as to completely
underst and the use of this mobi le phone and know its perfe ct functi on and simpl e operat ion.
mini to r is the specially designed based on the GSM network environment with dual SIMs and dual standby and full keypad
input. In addition to the basic call function , 64 chord rings, clock/alarm clock, schedule, calculator, etc., making your work and
recreation convenient. Besides, designed with perfect functions, min i t o rcan meet your vari ous dema nds.
min i t o r complies with GSM techni cal code and has been cer tifi ed by the aut horita tive instituti ons at home and abroa d.
We res erve the fi nal interpretation right to thi s user ma nu al .
We res erve the ri ght to upgr ade the technology an d the prod uct wi t h o u t pri o r not ice.
Safety Noti ces
If your mobile phone is lost or stolen, please immediately notify the telecom department or the POS in order to prevent others from using
the phone and the SIM cards. This will help you to avoid the economic loss due to the use of the phone by any other illegal person.
When contacting a telecom agency or a POS, you may tell it your IMEI code (which is on the label on the back of the phone and can be
seen after the battery is removed). Please record down this code and keep it properly for any possible use in the future.
In order to prevent your mobile phone from misuse, always take the preventive measures.
Safety Warning and Notices
Before use, please read these notices carefully in order to ensure the safe and correct use of your mobile phone.
General Notices
Your mobile phone can use only the battery and charger specified by us. The use of other products may result in battery liquid leakage,
overheat, explosion and fire.
Do not impact, shock or toss the phone violently in order to avoid failure and fire.
Do not place the battery, the phone or the charger into the micro-wave oven or the high-voltage equipment; otherwise, circuit damage,
fire , etc. may occ ur.
Do not use the mobile phone in the place with flammable or explosive gases, otherwise, phone failure and fire may occur.
Do not put the phone in the place with high temperature, high humidity or a large amount of dust, otherwise, failures may occur.
Please always keep the mobile phone out of the reach of children in order to prevent them from taking it as a toll and thus causing
personal injury.
Do not place the phone on an uneven or unstable table top in order to prevent the failure or damage due to falling.
Noti ces for the Use of the Phon e
Be sure to turn off your mobile phone in the place where the use of mobile phones is forbidden, such as in the plane, in a hospital, etc.
As the use of the mobile phone in such places may affect the normal work of electronic equipment and medical instruments, the use of
the mobile phone in such places must abide by their regulations. As the mobile phone has the function of timed switch-on, please
check your alarm clock setting and make sure that your mobile phone will not switch on automatically during flight.
Do not use the mobile phone in the area with weak signals or near high-preci sion electronic equipment, because the wireless wave
interference may result in the misoperation of electronic equipment and other problems. In particular, be cautious when using your
mobile phone near the following devices: deaf-aid, pace-maker, other medical electronic equipment, fire detector, automatic door and
other automatic control devices. For the effect of the mobile phone on the pace-maker and other medical electronic devices, please
consult the equipment manufacturer or the local distributor.
Do not apply too much force on the LCD screen or use it to knock other articles, otherwise, the LCD may be broken and the liquid