User's Manual

WebGUI Guest network
The guest network allows the user to activate a network with a distinct LAN address, allowing a higher
number of Wi-Fi devices.
This is a wireless network distinct from the primary network, with another SSID and can be configured
either as public (open) or as secure (password controlled access). In this way it is possible to access,
without transferring the credentials of the primary network, to the internet but not to the client's private
In this window, Figure 45, you can configure the parameters related to the Guest Network Configuration
(or network for guests).
Figure 45: Wi-Fi 2.4GHz and 5GHz – Guest Network Edition
Parameter Description
Guest network
Enable network Enable / disable network; on / off
SSID Primary Wi-Fi network name
Announce SSID Announce SSID; on / off
Authentication mode: Open, Shared, Radius,
WPA, WPA2, WPA2-PSK, Mixed WPA2 / WPA-
PSK, Mixed WPA / WPA2
Enable Wi-Fi
Protected Setup
Enable / disable WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup);
on / off
Encryption mode Encryption mode: AES, TKIP + AES
Password Access password
Tabel 26: Wi-Fi 2.4GHz e 5GHz Guest network – Parameter