User`s guide

i = Unit ID number (i = 0 to 9)
If card 1, 2, and 3 are grouped as group 5 of
unit 1, send the [VTLFG5U1] command to set
maximum volume of treble for card 1, 2, and 3
13. [LOD0CnUi]
This command turns OFF loudness feature for
single card.
n = Card ID number (n = slot # from 1 to 19)
i = Unit ID number (i = 0 to 9)
This command turns ON loudness feature for
group of cards simultaneously.
n = Card ID number (n = slot # from 1 to 19)
i = Unit ID number (i = 0 to 9)
This command turns ON loudness feature for
single card.
k = group number (k = # from 1-9)
i = Unit ID number (i = 0 to 9)
This command turns OFF loudness feature for
group of cards simultaneously.
k = group number (k = # from 1-9)
i = Unit ID number (i = 0 to 9)
14. [MUT0CnUi]
This command turns ON speaker output.
n = Card ID number (n = slot # from 1 to 19)
i = Unit ID number (i = 0 to 9)
15. [MUT1CnUi]
This command turns OFF speaker output.
n = Card ID number (n = slot # from 1 to 19)
i = Unit ID number (i = 0 to 9)
16. [SIVmCnUi]
This command saves audio input level. So on the
next power up this settings will be activated.
Command Format:
m = Input number (m = 1 to 3)
n = card ID No. (n = slot # from 1 to 19)
i = unit number (i = # from 0-9)
To save setting for audio input 1 for card in slot
8 send command [SIV1C8U1].
17. [SOVCnUi]
This command saves audio output level. So on
the next power up this settings will be activated.
Command Format:
n = card ID No. (n = slot # from 1 to 19)
i = unit number (i = # from 0-9)
To save setting for audio output on card in slot 8
send command [SOVC8U1].
18. [SBVCnUi
This command saves audio bass level. So on
the next power up this settings will be activated.
Command Format:
n = card ID No. (n = slot # from 1 to 19)
i = unit number (i = # from 0-9)
To save setting for audio bass level on card in
slot 2 send command [SBVC2U1].
19. [STVCnUi]
This command saves audio treble level. So on
the next power up this settings will be activated.
Command Format:
n = card ID No. (n = slot # from 1 to 19)
i = unit number (i = # from 0-9)
To save setting for audio treble level on card in
slot 4 send command [STVC4U1].
20. [SLVCnUi]
This command saves state of loudness function.
So on the next power up this settings will be
activated. Command Format:
n = card ID No. (n = slot # from 1 to 19)
i = unit number (i = # from 0-9)