Installation Guide

1-2 iRM4451 RRH Product Description and Installation Guide
1800 MHz (3GPP Band 3)
—AWS (3GPP Band 4)
2.6 GHz (3GPP Band 7)
AWS-1 & AWS-3 (3GPP Band 4 & AWS-3)
Connection to other compliant fronthaul devices is facilitated through two available
GigE optical Ethernet fronthaul ports.
The iRM4451 interconnects with compliant radio antennas and the associated
baseband unit, i.e., vBBU (or the optional iRB1200/iRB2400 iBBUs) which operate
within the RAN portion of the LTE wireless network.
A block diagram of the iRM4451 RRH is shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1 iRM4451 RRH block diagram